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This UNESCO – UNEVOC survey aims to gather insights and examples of gaps, challenges and trends shaping the future of TVET Teaching & Learning.

TVET Teaching Staff: Co-creators in the Teaching-and-Learning Process

In the traditional teaching model, teachers are expected to deliver knowledge through instruction and evaluation and students are expected to absorb this knowledge without much focus on practice and self-learning. In the future, we may find that learning involves not only instruction and evaluation but also co-development of lessons and tools. In such a system, teachers and students become co-creators of the teaching-and-learning process. Students acquire a sense of purpose in their education and take ownership of their learning. For teachers to be effective co-agents, they need the capacity to act purposefully and constructively to direct their professional growth and contribute to the growth of their students and colleagues.

Apprentice technician industry.
(Photo Adobe Stock)

What will this future look like? How will it impact the TVET Teacher & Trainer development? Are there enough mechanisms to engage TVET Teaching staff in future-oriented teaching & learning?

TVET in all forms and settings should be oriented to equipping youth and adults with relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for work and life. The teaching staff has a crucial role in assuring TVET quality and relevance. The teaching staff includes teachers, instructors, trainers, tutors, managers, administrators, extension agents, guidance staff and others. This staff needs capacities to ensure the relevance of TVET to current and evolving needs in the world of work, nationally, regionally and internationally.

Trend Mapping Study on Future of TVET Teaching

To improve understanding of global trends and capture as many perspectives as possible, UNESCO – UNEVOC is conducting a Trends Mapping study on TVET Teaching & Learning. This survey is for all stakeholders and partners involved in reform and development of teaching & learning, for example, policymakers, institutional leaders, representative of the private sector and practitioners.

Teacher with students in mechanics working
(Photo: Adobe Stock)

The purpose of this trends mapping study is to improve understanding of the future of TVET teaching and learning. The study will investigate global progress made in terms of reforming pre-service and in-service training and challenges that still remain in making TVET teaching equitable and inclusive.

UNESCO – UNEVOC is inviting experts – from public and private institutions, research organisations to practitioners from industry – to take this survey containing questions regarding the impact of megatrends on the skills and training needs in TVET. It takes approximately 20 mins to answer the survey. Please answer the questions before 19 December 2019.

Survey link:                        www.unevoc.unesco.org/l/669

Deadline:  19th December 2019

Who can participate:             

Policymakers, Head of Public Institutions, Programme Heads, TVET Experts – from public and private institutions, Employers and their representatives, Trade Unions, Teachers’ Associations and Research organisations and Master Teachers/Trainers and Head of Training departments.

The article reflects the personal opinion of the author. For any further inputs on the survey or UNESCO – UNEVOC work on Future of TVET Teaching, please contact Pooja Gianchandani at p.gianchandani@unesco.org

Lucubrate Magazine December 2019

The picture on the top of the article by Adobe Stock

Group of young people in technical vocational training with teacher

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Pooja Gianchandani
Pooja Gianchandani

is vocational education, skills development specialist with expertise in institutional reform and private sector engagement. She advises national & international firms on strategy, applied research, communication, programme management and market entry. She is Advisor TVET at GIZ and Programme Expert to UNESCO - UNEVOC
Promoting #Skills4All


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